book tag

This or That Book Tag


  • Mention the creator of the tag (thanks Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks for creating this!)
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you! (thanks to Dorothy from Starlit Shelves, go check out her blog!!)
  • Tag 10 other people to do the tag and spread the love!

Reading on the couch or on the bed?

I prefer reading on the couch, when I lie down while reading, I fall asleep.

Sweet or salty snacks while reading?

This is a difficult question, because I eat salty and then sweet. Not because I prefer salty but because in my head salty comes before sweet.

Trilogies or Quartets?

I prefer trilogies because that seems to be a good number of books for a series. Quartets always seem to lead to more books.

First person or third person pov?

I prefer first person pov because I enjoy reading from a certain characters perspective, although I do enjoy reading in third person.

Night or Morning reader?

I am a night owl so I do tend to stay up late finishing books, but I can read at anytime of the day.

Libraries or bookstores?

I do like a bookstore because I enjoy seeing the new titles and I like treating myself to new books. Although I use libraries more because I don’t have much space left on my shelves for new books. Maybe I need a new bookshelf!

Books that make you laugh or make you cry?

Books that make me cry. I think this is influenced by YA books I read which made me cry like The Fault in the Stars.

Black or White book covers?

I prefer black book covers, my bookshelf is white so I like the contrast.

Character driven or plot driven?

Plot driven, I’m not sure what books I have read that has been character driven. There needs to be a plot to the story. 

I tag:

Anyone who hasn’t done this tag. I have seen others do this and I don’t want to tag people who have already done it! Please tag me in your responses so I can read them!

Thank you for reading this post. Follow me on instagram to check out my book pics and twitter. You can keep up to date with my reading by following my goodreads. You can also support me by buying my a coffee

book tag

Harry Potter Christmas Book Tag

I saw this tag on Book & Corner and I wanted to join in! Here is the link to their answers! I love Harry Potter, especially at Christmas time so this is the perfect tag.

This tag was created by Charleigh over at Charleigh Writes. Her rules are simple:

  • Please link me back so I can read your answers.
  • You can’t choose a Harry Potter book for any of your answers.
  • Tag however many people you wish.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Let’s get started!

It’s your first Christmas at Hogwarts. What’s one book you’ve asked for this year?

Believe it or not, I haven’t actually asked for any books this year. If I was going to ask for a book, I would ask for A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow. How beautiful is the cover of this book!

You spot Hagrid hauling the Christmas tree through the grounds. What is the longest (or heaviest!) book you own?

I’m going to have to say one of the Game of Thrones books. Those books are long and I have only read the first one! I do want to continue with this series at some point.

It’s time for the famous Great Hall feast. What’s one book you can’t read without snacks?

I am always eating snacks, especially when I’m reading so this would be most books I’ve read. This skill is easier with an e-book!

Well done, you’ve brewed your first Polyjuice potion. What’s one book you’d change the cover of?

All movie covers. I hate when books don’t match with the rest of the set. For my example is that I have the movie cover for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and the rest are the original covers. How annoying! I loved this movie and I do like the cover, but it obviously doesn’t match the rest of the series.

You receive a brand new Firebolt for Christmas. What’s one book you read super quickly?

It took me a while to think of a book because I read quite quickly anyway. But I read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman super quick. I read at least 85% in one sitting, it was an amazing read.

You join Harry for his first proper Christmas. What’s one book you’d love to receive this year?

I would love to receive Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline. I loved the first book and I am so excited to get a copy of this book!

You get hit by one of Fred and George’s flying snowballs. What’s a book you wanted to throw across the room?

I would never want to throw a book across a room, but if I would have to choose, I would pick a book which I couldn’t finish. This book would be The Kill Order by James Dashner. I loved the rest of the Maze Runner books, I just couldn’t seem to get into the prequel.

You’ve just visited Hogsmeade for the first time. What’s one popular book you haven’t read yet?

I haven’t got round to reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab.

Congratulations, you’ve been invited to the Yule Ball. What book about Christmas do you love?

I don’t think I’ve read a book about Christmas, but I really want to read Christmas Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. I have just downloaded this on my kindle so I will be reading it soon.

You find Ron’s deluminator. What’s one book that’s helped you through some dark times?

For this I’m going to have to say Divergent by Veronica Roth. This was one of the first books which made me want to pick up reading as a hobby. This series will always mean something to me.

I would like to tag anyone else who wants to join in as well. If you would like to join, please link this post in your post so I can see your answers!

book tag

Liebster Award

Thank you to Lilly at Lilly’s Little Library for tagging me in this award. Go check out her blog!!

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Notify your 11 nominees


  • If you could live anywhere in OUR world, where would you live? – This is a difficult question, I like living in the UK but I have not explored other parts of the world yet. I’d probably stay in the UK and just travel places.
  • What’s your favorite food? – Pizza.
  • If you could choose to be any magical creature for the rest of your life, what would you be? – Maybe a vampire, I’m such a night owl.
  • Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future? – 100 years in the future
  • What character’s life would you most like to live? – I would like to live in the Harry Potter world, so I’m going to say either Hermione or Luna.
  • What battery percentage is your device on right now? – 100% on my phone (very unlike my phone lol) and 75% on my laptop.
  • If you could only have one hobby from here on out (besides reading of course, how could anyone live without reading?) what would it be? – Gaming, I can’t live without playing animal crossing!
  • What is your current favorite song? – Golden by Harry Styles, lockdown has influenced my love for One Direction again so any songs by them or individually.
  • If you could change your first name right now, what would you choose? – I think I would choose Penelope. I do not know anyone with this name, although this is what I called my first car.
  • What book got you into reading? – I think it was the Divergent series back in 2016, then the rest of those YA series’ like Mortal Instruments, Maze Runner, etc.
  • What’s your favorite book? – Has to be any book by Shari Lapena. Amazing author.

I Nominate

I hope I’m not tagging people who have done this before. I am going to tag less than 11 because I feel like this tag has been going around a lot.

  1. Shruti @ Damsel In The Bookland
  2. Kimberly @ My Bookish Bliss
  3. Bantering Books
  4. Liana Reads
  5. Jennifer @ Funk-N-Fiction
  6. Jess @ Crowing About Books

My Questions

  1. What is your favourite book series?
  2. What time of the day is it as you are answering these questions?
  3. What is one book you would recommend to people who want to get into reading?
  4. What bookish world would you like to live in?
  5. What is your current favourite tv show?
  6. Do you prefer ebooks or physical books?
  7. Where is your favourite place to read?
  8. What was your most recent 5 star read?
  9. What book are you most looking forward to in 2021?
  10. What was your dream job growing up?
  11. What is the next book on your TBR list?
book tag

Mystery Blogger Award

Thank you to Dorothy from Starlit Shelves for nominating me. I love being tagged do answer questions. Go check out her blog, it is amazing!


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator (Okoto Enigma) and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions provided by whoever nominated you.
  • Nominate 10 – 20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions.
  • Share a link to your best post(s).

Three Things About Me

  1. I love learning about Psychology, I have a BSc and a MSc in Psychology. Alongside this, I have held a real human brain.
  2. I do not find myself to be creative at all but I enjoy trying.
  3. I am 100% a night owl. If you see me at 7am in the morning, I probably haven’t slept yet.

Best Posts

Steele Secrets by Andi Cumbo-Floyd

This story is told from the perspective of Mary Steele, a 17 year old high school student. One day, she finds herself magically appearing in an old cemetery not far from her house. She does not seem scared, not even when she is approached by a ghost called Moses. After speaking to Moses for a…

Of Magpies and Men by Ode Ray

This book begins with a middle-aged couple on holiday in Italy who have found themselves in the middle of a crime scene. Two bodied have been found on the coast with no one knowing how they got there. How they ended up there is a tale of violence and secrets, this book continued to surprise…

Sting of Thorns (Dark and Otherworldly #2) by Kristen Brand

This book starts immediately after Poison and Honey, please read that book and review before this one so this review makes sense. The war between the human servants and the Others is over and the humans won. Leigh had to risk a lot in this war so she now has to face the consequences. She…

My Answers

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I would love to be able to teleport wherever I want. I love to travel so this would be ideal to get to places quicker. Although, I do love the journey to my destination so I am not sure about how often I would use it.
  2. If you didn’t run a book blog, what would you run a blog about? I think I would run a travel or a lifestyle blog. I am considering adding a lifestyle section to my blog.
  3. What’s your favorite part of book blogging? I enjoy being connected to so many amazing people. I have also been able to read so many books which I would never have thought of picking up. Being so new I did not think I would have this many opportunities already.
  4. If you could have any creature as a pet (real or fictional), what would you pick? I would love to have a dog because I have always wanted to be able to train them.
  5. This year’s been really crazy. What’s something good that happened to you this year? It doesn’t have to be anything big. After this very challenging year, I have finally got a masters degree in Forensic Psychology.


  1. JoAnne at The Skipped Prologue
  2. Carla at The Rantings of a Book Addict
  3. Lu at Lu Reviews Books
  4. Lyra at Defiantly Yours
  5. Heather at Oak + River Books
  6. Jess at Just Reading Jess
  7. Nicole at Nicole’s Book Thoughts
  8. Amisha at Specks of Thoughts
  9. A Little Shelf-Righteous
  10. Lisa at Owl Be Sat Reading


  1. What have you learnt so far while blogging?
  2. If you had to pick one genre to read, what would it be and why?
  3. Which 3 characters are your favourite across all the books you have read?
  4. What other hobbies do you have other than reading?
  5. What is your number one book which you would recommend?

book tag

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you to Liza from The Inharmonious Heroine for nominating me to answer the questions! I was so excited to see I got tagged. Go check out her blog, I love it 💙

What is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How does it work?

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

My responses:

  1. When did you start your blog? I started my blog about a month ago! Crazy to think I’ve only been blogging for that amount of time, it feels so natural writing reviews.
  2. What motivated you to start your blog? I saw other people’s blogs and I’ve always wanted to be more involved in the book community. I think having a bookstagram for about 4/5 years helped me explore my options to become more involved.
  3. What is your absolute favorite thing about reading? I love being taken to different places wherever I am. I find it amazing how authors can write like this.
  4. If you could only read one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be? This is a difficult choice for me, but I’d have to say a thriller/action. I know thats two but I feel like they go hand in hand.
  5. What is your favorite thing about blogging? I enjoy writing about books I’ve read and sharing that with other people. I so like being able to support authors by reviewing their work.
  6. What is something you wish you’d known before starting your blog? I’d wish I’d know how much time it actually takes to set everything up, like having all the social media’s. Also when posting a blog post, having to share it around.
  7. What is your all-time favorite novel? The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris, I was heartbroken knowing it was a true story. Such an eye opener.
  8. Who is your ultimate favorite author? Has to be Shari Lapena, she writes the best thriller books.
  9. If you had to describe yourself using three literary characters, who would they be? Luna Lovegood (I know this is a jk rowling character but I love how Evanna Lynch plays the character), Arya Stark from Game of Thrones and Tessa Grey from The Infernal Devices (one of my favourite series’).
  10. What advice do you have for beginner bloggers? Don’t push yourself to stick to a schedule, I considered uploading on certain days but I found it easier to upload reviews after I finished the book. I find reading and writing a review under pressure very off putting.
  11. What’s your favorite post you’ve ever written? My favourite post has to be My Sister, the Serial Killer, I loved reading the book.


I’d like to nominate:

  1. abookishchick
  2. owlbesatreading
  3. specksofthoughts
  4. olivebookreviews
  5. ontheboookshelf
  6. bookoffimreading
  7. The Shaggy Shepherd
  8. nicolesbookthoughts
  9. alittlehazebookblog
  10. theskippedprologue
  11. whatemsreading

My questions:

  1. What do you enjoy about blogging?
  2. Whats the best book you have read this year?
  3. Do you prefer paperback or hardback?
  4. What genre of book do you prefer to read?
  5. Any advice for other book bloggers?
  6. How many books have you read so far this year?
  7. Who’s your favourite author?
  8. If you could recommend one book, what book would it be?
  9. Do you read physical books or e-books?
  10. Whats your favourite series that you have read?
  11. Finally, do you read multiple books at the same time or just one?

Happy Blogging 😀